Meteor 101

Getting Started & Common Pitfalls

My personal experience with Meteor

Created by Thomas Allmer / @daKmoR


I'm coming from the classical Client/Server World

php, mysql, with js only on the client

This is just my personal experience with Meteor

I don't have any online projects - it's just me playing around :p


  1. Metoer vs Classical Client/Server
  2. Simple Example Application
  3. Publish & Subscribe where lives the DATA?
  4. autopublish explained
  5. insecure explained
  6. Example Application+
  7. use of reactive "Sessions"
  8. Blaze new Redering Engine => Drag and Drop Example
  9. Useful Stuff

Meteor vs Classical Client/Server

  • Mostly NO CODE difference between Client/Server
  • Client has always! almost ALL Code!!! (except server folder)
  • CODE changes need a reload
  • DATA is the big difference
    • Server publishes DATA
    • Client subscribes and caches DATA
    • DATA changes do NOT need a reload

Simple Example Application

Just some Items with a name rendered in a list


Publish & Subscribe

where lives the DATA?

  • Server
    • has ALL DATA
    • decides which to publish
    • syncs changes automatically to all clients
  • Client
    • has his OWN Copy of the DATA available to him
    • accumulates this DATA and usually won't throw them away


Meteor.publish('items-public', function () {
	return Items.find({public: true});

Publishes only Items which are marked public

Will be pushed to all subscribed Clients


The Client has to subscribe to some published DATA and can then query this subset.


Template.root.items = function() {
	return Items.find({});

Will only return all DATA available to the Client

Will most likely return something different then if the same query would be executed on the Server

Publish & Subscribe


If you subscribe to another published DATA set your current local cache might get updated and new things will be displayed.

Reactivity for the win! :)



installed by default remove on the console with

$ meteor remove autopublish 

Basically published ALL DATA on the Server and subscribes to EVERYTHING on the client


executes something like this for EVERY Meteor Collection

// server js
Meteor.publish('items-all', function () {
	return Items.find({});
// client js

GREAT for prototyping, but no good for a real application


installed by default remove on the console with

$ meteor remove insecure 

Basically allows ALL Database actions to be executed on the client as well.


executes something like this for EVERY Meteor Collection

	insert: function() {
		return true;
	update: function() {
		return true;
	remove: function() {
		return true;

GREAT for prototyping, but no good for a real application

Example Application+


  • new Item Funktion with private setting
  • add create and modification date by default
  • order by create date
  • remove Item


use of reactive "Sessions"

Session "Variables" are reactive, so every change will trigger a rerendering of every affected DATA

Reactivity for the win! :)

Can easily be used for subscribing to DATA, detail lightboxes, themes...


"Blaze" - new Redering Engine

"They say Meteor UI [AKA Blaze, the new Meteor rendering engine] is in preview, but it just works fine for us. It just works."

— Manuel Timita

Some sort of more complex Play Around Thingi

Generic jquery code can be used due to the new Engine

Usefull Stuff

  • Use Meteor on Windows:
  • Excellent Tutorials:
  • Unoffical FAQ:
  • Book:



BY Thomas Allmer